Thursday, January 19, 2006

Fantasy Camp January 2006 - Chaska to Ft Myers

On January 12, Joan and I left Chaska for Florida and the 2006 Twins Fantasy Camp. Our flight from Minneapolis to Ft Myers was very smooth and uneventful, which his always good. Unfortunately, upon arrival things did not go quite as smoothly.

It turns out the airline could not get the baggage door open on the plane. So we left for Uncle Lea and Aunt Jessie's without our baggage while the plane returned to Detroit with our bags. The bags returned to Ft Myers on a midnight flight and were delivered to our second stop, Osprey, FL, about 7 am the next day.

Here is the lineup of people waiting to fill out the lost baggage form. It took about an hour to reach the baggage claim office.
As mentioned, we spent Thursday night with Uncle Lea and Aunt Jessie Vandervort in Ellenton, FL. We had a nice dinner and visit that evening. Here is a shot of Unk who will be 88 next month.
While there we also looked at pictures of the family taken during our California trip in December as well as those I transferred from Aunt Jessie's albums to the computer.
After breakfast on Friday morning, we headed for Osprey (Sarasota), FL and a visit with Carl and Stella Dukate, friends from Singapore last time around. They have a lovely home in a development on a golf course.
As you can see above, we ran into some fog during our round of golf Friday afternoon. We were fortunate that all we had was fog since the rain came later.

Later that evening, after dinner at a wonderful fish restaurant overlooking a small marina, we looked at the pictures we took on the course and, for some strange reason, a couple pics of Zachary!

Saturday morning, while Carl played in a match play tournament at the club, Stella drove us around the area where we saw some very lovely, and large, homes. Around noon, we met Carl for lunch at the club and then again headed for Ft Myers and the camp welcome banquet.


Blogger Kjirsten said...

Unk and Aunt Jessie look great!
Keep those posts coming.
Zach is going to go decorate Dad's office with lots of "Over the Hill" paraphernalia today.

10:08 AM  

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