Wednesday, January 11, 2006

January 8, 2006 Visit with Aunt Barb

On our return from Denver on Jan 6, we stopped in Mankato and met Dave and Wendy at a wood-fired pizza joint. There, we discussed meeting up with Aunt Barb sometime over the weekend. This meeting took place on Sunday, the 8th, at the Green Mill in St Paul - near where Susi lives.

I brought our computer onto which I had loaded pictures of the family taken during our just completed California trip. I though, with the size of the computer screen, Barb would be able to see them. I would say that was semi-successful.

Here are Susi, Barb and Dave's wife, Wendy, looking at the pics. Yours Truly is standing in the background.

Emily, Margaret, and Ellison also joined us. Margaret rode up with Dave and Wendy, and Elly and Emmy came over from their place in St Paul. The girls are looking at a calendar Kjirsten prepared with pictures of Zacharay's first year as page headers.

We had a good time visiting and left into a snowy night at about 9 pm.


Blogger Kjirsten said...

Looks like a good time!

PS if you change your Blog settings to allow Anonymous comments (and keep the word verification option) others who don't have blogs can make comments too. :)

12:08 PM  

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